Letter from France 18

Sunday, June 17, 1990

born: John Wesley 1703

died: John III Poland 1696

1940—Russians occupy Latvia




I'm in my final month and starting to think about life in California. Is it as wonderful as I recall? Are the hot tubs as warm? Did anyone ever get around to rebuilding that bridge? I hear that AIDS and earthquakes have changed the tourist scene for the worse.


In a surprise move the school has decided to go on the road in July. The third year class usually puts on a show here at the end of the year but since workers are renovating the piste (circus ring) (try practicing when there is wet paint and goop everywhere) the show will be in a real circus tent at a resort city on the Atlantic. It's called the Arts au Soleil festival and it completely changes my plans. I was hoping to sneak out of here early, but now I will be held to my contract to work until the fifteenth.


On local news, world cup fever has taken hold. I tried to ignore it (easy enough since I couldn't follow the rules even if they were broadcast in English) but having le cup for a next door neighbor finally made it irresistible. It helps to be able to root for the good ole red, white and blue. You all may be burning old glory and apple pies back home but over here I'm defending the faith and God-given American athletic superiority, no matter what the sport.


Nobody expects the US to do well but after we lost the first game 4 to 1, Mac and I proudly put up a banner stating, "At least we know where the goal is!" The recent 1 to 0 loss to Italy did us no shame as today's banner, "We lost, but not by much!" testifies. My personal strategy of scoring several quick goals right at the start of the game counted too heavily on the Italian tendency to show up late for everything. I was unpleasantly surprised to find all eleven players there and ready at the starting whistle. Even after the halftime they all managed to get off the phone to their mistresses and finish their cappuccinos on time to not even let us get one goal.


For a while I felt I could make a real contribution to the American effort but finally realized there is just no way to hook up the mouse so I can influence the path of the ball on the tv set, even when holding down the option key. Learning how to live with my limitations. However, I understand there are several new models of Macs out on the market so maybe next year.


Finally got the radiator problem fixed at the hotel where I am staying. Not being used to radiated heat I suffered a few months from air leaks. I felt like Jacques Cousteau aboard the Calypso trying to sleep at night with the soft gurgles and loud groans of a protesting boiler overworking itself as it unsuccessfully tried to pump heated air through the water pipes.


à bientôt,


Todd Strong, Professeur du Jonglage


Centre National des Arts du Cirque

1, rue du Cirque

51000 Châlons-sur-Marne



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