When the rooster crows...


It was a pleasant surprise to find out that one of my neighbours at the 1988 11th European Juggling Convention (held in Bradford, England that year) was Graham Ellis. Along with many other jugglers, Graham and I had a habit of meeting up with each other in exotic, far-flung locales.


That year, housing was in college dormitories. Although it was only late September, the single-room accommodation was cold, at least for me. Since the regular students were off, the heat was not turned on. The one blanket that came with the bed kept me just a bit chilled that first night.


Jet lag and a fitful sleep did not dull my enthusiasm for the convention, so I happily accepted Graham's offer to take me out for a proper British breakfast the first morning.


In his home country, Graham had home-court advantage. Instead of all us being happily lost in a new city, Graham had access to a car and lots of good, local knowledge. His inquires led us to a great diner where Graham introduced me to a proper English breakfast that included baked beans, tomatoes, and mushy peas (along with other items that were more familiar to me.


Back at the convention, we promised to pass with each other at some point and went our different ways.


When I went back to my room later that afternoon, I was surprised to see the door to Graham's room open with, not Graham, but several constables inside going through his bags. Before I could get in to my room, I was asked if I knew the person who had been staying in the room they were searching.


Feeling a bit like a Biblical Peter, I explained that there were a lot of jugglers from all over the world at this event, people were coming and going at all hours, and I wasn't sure who was staying in which room. I left my door open so I could listen in on their conversation. At one point, an officer appeared my my doorway and asked again if I knew whose room they were in. I, again, answered I wasn't sure.


Deciding to not stick around, I dropped off my things and headed back out to the convention. On the way, though, I stopped in briefly to explain to the officers that the rooms were cold that last evening. With the premise established, I politely inquired, "If the person in that room is not coming back, might I be able to borrow his blanket?""


I'm not sure, but as they tossed me the extra covering, off in the distance, I thought I heard a rooster crow.


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This web site was last updated on October 1, 2023.