Eaglet and far-away Eagle July 6, 2019


These photoes were taken on July 6, 2019.


Was surprised that the eaglet had not yet left the nest.


Patches of whte are sharting to emerge.


There a certain, cartoonish look to a full-frontal view.


May as well zoom in just a bit more.


Back to a more-majestic profile.


One has to wonder how looking out over a gas station affects one's development.


Why can't I seem to remember that photos deserves captions?


Maybe I would be more descriminating.


The eaglet doesn't seem to wander far from the nest.


One of the baby crows seemed to be exploring much more at this relative stage.


An establishing shot.


Back to the majestic posing.


I'll just sit here for a while.


Is anybody else getting hungry?


Not to personify... Does this expression look quizzical?


Again with the zoom?


What was all that noise a few days ago?


Do I hear lunch?


Modest attempt to capture an eagle on the wing.


I'm posting these next three shots as a form of public shaming to motivate me to get better at action shots.


Public shaming continued.


Mea culpa.


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This web site was last updated on October 1, 2023.